New Year, New Barefoot Birth BABY!
From juggling childcare, to navigating the logistics of getting a nursling to a birth who's mama doesn't respond well to a pump, or simply holding space for how hard this parenting thing is.. we're ALL in, supporting each other in the most beautiful, messy, and hard, yet amazing period of our lives, MOTHERHOOD. With that being said, we'd like like to let you in on a little secret! Our family Barefoot Birth family is growing!
Have a home birth, ya'll! {Tampa Bay Home Birth}
It is with great joy and excitement that we announce that Barefoot Birth is (FINALLY!!!) providing concierge home birth services and personalized prenatal care! We are looking forward to preserving REAL home birth midwifery right here Tampa Bay!
"Things just aren't going the way we hoped..." {Tampa Bay Doula}
"...I think it’s time that we transfer your care.”
If you are planning an out of hospital birth, these are words you hoped you’d never hear, or thought wouldn't ever apply to your birth. I mean come on--you've eaten right, done all your prenatal yoga, read the latest Ina May book, and attended that 12 week long childbirth education class! You’ve done everything possible to prevent having to leave your intended birthing location. However, birth is unpredictable. As you and your labor partner prepare to transfer into uncharted waters, you’re feeling uneasy and wish that you would have hired a doula.